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Military officials suspected of buying low-quality first aid kits worth over $1.4 million – SBI / The New Voice of Ukraine

Oct 15, 2024

Low-quality first aid kits purchased for the Armed Forces of Ukraine (Photo:SBI)

Law enforcement officials have pressed charges against those responsible for supplying low-quality first aid kits to the Ukrainian military, with a total value of nearly 60 million hryvnias ($1.4 million), the State Bureau of Investigation (SBI) announced on Aug. 12.

The individuals facing charges include:

According to the investigation, the military training center and these entrepreneurs entered into eight contracts to supply 30,773 first aid kits, worth 58.5 million hryvnias ($1.4 million). However, military officials failed to ensure the quality of the kits.

An expert examination later confirmed that the first aid kits did not meet the required standards, were missing essential components, and contained subpar medicines, potentially putting the health of Ukrainian soldiers at risk.

The former head of the training center has been charged with inaction by a military official (Part 4 of Article 426 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine). Meanwhile, the head of the medical service at the center is charged with negligence in the line of duty (Part 4 of Article 425 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Both charges carry a potential prison sentence of 8 to 10 years.

The SBI also reported that the private entrepreneurs involved in supplying the low-quality first aid kits have been charged with large-scale fraud. They could face up to eight years in prison.

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Теги: SBI fraud charges indictment corruption scheme